Feeding a gym defender within screen radar (especially remote feeding as long as you are within the screen radar).

Spinning a Pokéstop (especially getting a message Bag is Full due to item limit).Feeding a wild Pokémon with a berry (also applicable to raids).Accidental drop of a ball on encounter screen (also applicable to raids).Catching a wild Pokémon (especially those coming from Incense, Lure Modules, Special Lures and Meltan’s Mystery Box).Ditto Disguises - Current Events - Shiny Checklist - Current Raid Bosses - Current Eggs - Current Research - Niantic Server Status - Niantic Known Issues - Niantic Go Battle League Known Issues - World Clock - Pokémon GO Event Timers - Nests - Shiny Rates - PVP IV Ranking Spreadsheet - Raids and Team GO Rocket Line-Ups - PVP Battle Simulator - Optimized GPX route generation - PVP Stats - Working Livemaps with filters: (In German)