Such is the paradox facing the new Nisus Writer user: marvelling at the power while puzzling over the putative limitations. On the other hand, it is bad, because some of the most useful features of other programs seem to be missing or are awkwardly implemented. They could put very imaginative and helpful features in the program because there was no reason to suspect it couldnt or shouldnt be done. On the one hand, this is good, because it means that the designers were not subject to conceptual limitations imposed by other products. More than one person has remarked, only half-jokingly, that the designers of Nisus Writer must never have seen another word processor. While my comments will mainly be directed to users of Word and WordPerfect, those familiar with other applications will also be able to get a good feel for what Nisus Writer does differently.Įvery program has its strengths and weaknesses Nisus Writer is no different. And I will also do my best to infect you with my own enthusiasm for Nisus Writer. I wont hide Nisus Writers limitations from you, but I will show you creative ways of overcoming them. Youll find a fair evaluation of the pros and cons of what youre contemplating, from the perspective of someone who has grown to know and love this unique program. To the second type of person, I say this: Read on. In the following pages youll find all the help you need to feel right at home. You have entered the ranks of the truly enlightened Macintosh users of the world. To the first type of person, I say this: Relax. Perhaps youre standing in a bookstore right now, reading this chapter to determine whether or not you should really make the switch (and buy this book). But you still have some doubt, because you dont want to give up the features to which youve grown accustomed or the security of familiar surroundings. If youre the second type, youre dissatisfied with your current word processor and are looking for a changea proselyte at the gate, so to speak. Youd like someone to guide you through the transition process and assure you 42 that everything will be O.K. Things dont work the way youre used to, you cant find your way around, or some key features seem to be missingand you cant get the help you need from the manuals. If you are the first type, you have just purchased Nisus Writer after using another word processor for a while, and youre starting to get frustrated. This chapter is likely to attract the attention of two types of people. Tips on converting files from other formats.
#Find italic text in nisus writer pro how to
How to work around some perceived limitations.How to adapt to Nisus Writers paradigms.What youll like, and what youll miss, when switching from another program.What makes Nisus Writer unique among word processors.